Translation api MenuItem

I’m trying to use the GraphQL(REST will be good too) API to translate a Menu (Menu and MenuItems)

But from what i see here:

i can translate only Menu → title (“backend menu label”)

i wish to know if theres a way to translate MenuItems too

they can be translated using “translate and adapt” so i’m pretty sure that i’m missing something

to be clear i’m able to translate this:

but i cannot translate this:

of course using “Translate & Adapt” i can translate both menu and menu items:

tanks in advance

It’s possible the Translate & Adapt app has access to some endpoints that are not on the public API. Could you use that app instead?

Liam, could you please explain how to update the translation memory for the submenu items under the MENU section?

Emilianoc, if you find a solution on how to translate that or how Translate and Adapt handles this, please let me know. Also, share any documentation you come across.