Updated shipping address not reflected in invoice and thank you page

When a shipping address is updated through a GraphQL orderUpdate mutation, this update does not appear in certain areas:

  • Thank you page
  • Invoice

Is this a known limitation?

Hey Ed!

Connecting with the checkout team to confirm this.

Do you mean the Order Status Page @edcode ? You should only be seeing the Thank You Page once (and not be able to revisit).

No, I’m referring to the Thank you page.

We are looking for a way to update the shipping address after checkout based on the selected shipping option. During checkout, the initial shipping address is used to determine available pickup locations via CCS rates. Once the customer selects a pickup location, we want to update the shipping address to this location’s address at the time of order creation.

For non-Plus stores, the only available approach is using Thank you page extensions and webhooks. The best option we’ve found so far is updating the address through the order/created webhook. However, we’ve noticed that these updates are not reflected on the Thank you page (when testing with prevent_order_redirect=true) or Invoices - hence this post.

We understand why the Thank you page does not reflect updates - as displayed only once, and the webhook event occurs afterward. But shouldn’t invoices reflect the updated address?

Ideally, Shopify could support a Function that allows modifying an order at the moment of creation - before the Thank You page is displayed - ensuring that the correct shipping address is reflected across all relevant areas.