URL not specified for Chat in extension using Chat API

Hi, I am currently developing a new extension using the Chat API. I began with an example from the documentation, but I keep encountering an error: URL not specified for Chat: Please configure your extension to include extensions.targeting.preloads.chat after running the extension via shopify app dev. Here are my files:


# Learn more about configuring your checkout UI extension:
# https://shopify.dev/api/checkout-extensions/checkout/configuration

# The version of APIs your extension will receive. Learn more:
# https://shopify.dev/docs/api/usage/versioning
api_version = "2025-01"

name = "chat"
handle = "chat"
type = "ui_extension"

# Controls where in Shopify your extension will be injected,
# and the file that contains your extension’s source code. Learn more:
# https://shopify.dev/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/unstable/extension-targets-overview

module = "./src/Checkout.jsx"
target = "purchase.checkout.chat.render"

chat = "https://my-chat-application.com"

# Gives your extension access to directly query Shopify’s storefront API.
# https://shopify.dev/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/unstable/configuration#api-access
api_access = true

# Gives your extension access to make external network calls, using the
# JavaScript `fetch()` API. Learn more:
# https://shopify.dev/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/unstable/configuration#network-access
# network_access = true

# Loads metafields on checkout resources, including the cart,
# products, customers, and more. Learn more:
# https://shopify.dev/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/unstable/configuration#metafields

# [[extensions.metafields]]
# namespace = "my_namespace"
# key = "my_key"
# [[extensions.metafields]]
# namespace = "my_namespace"
# key = "my_other_key"

# Defines settings that will be collected from merchants installing
# your extension. Learn more:
# https://shopify.dev/docs/api/checkout-ui-extensions/unstable/configuration#settings-definition

# [extensions.settings]
# [[extensions.settings.fields]]
# key = "banner_title"
# type = "single_line_text_field"
# name = "Banner title"
# description = "Enter a title for the banner"


import { reactExtension, Chat } from '@shopify/ui-extensions-react/checkout';

export default reactExtension('purchase.checkout.chat.render', () => (
    <Extension />

// This component requires the configuration of the `extensions.targeting.preloads.chat` in the extensions configuration file.
// Its value will be used as the `src` attribute of the Chat component.

function Extension() {
    return <Chat inlineSize={100} blockSize={50} />;

Could you please indicate where the problem is?

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@Liam-Shopify could you please take a look? The code comes from the documentation and I still get this error

Hi, I am facing the same issue, I’m interested in the answer

@rkawka what CLI version are you using? If you update to latest version are you still seeing this?

@Liam-Shopify I was using version 3.67.1 of the CLI. Updating the package resolved the issue. Thank you for your assistance.

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Great to hear! Let us know if you run into any other issues.