Version 2025-01 has broken previously valid requests

Hey there; we are experiencing a breaking change in graphql api version 2025-01

This works in 2024-10:

curl -X POST \
https://{shop} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/graphql' \
-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: {password}' \
-d '{products(first: 10) {edges {node {id}}}}'

but fails on 2025-01 with {"errors":"Unsupported Content-Type header, use application\/json"}

I see in the release notes that there is now JSON body support; however I don’t see any mention that every request to the graphql api must be application/json going forward

This is breaking popular libraries such as Unsupported Content-Type header, use application/json 2025-01 · Issue #669 · MONEI/Shopify-api-node · GitHub

Is this a bug on Shopify’s end; or was this breaking change intentional

Hi Kyle,

I’ve connected with our internal teams who have confirmed that application/graphql has never strictly been an allowed request content-type header, however it looks like it was just accepted previously.

The response formats should be ‘application/graphql-response+json’ or ‘application/json’, with ‘application/graphql-response+json’ being preferred as it allows for status codes other than ‘200’.

The changelog for this in 2025-01 is here GraphQL Over HTTP — Shopify developer changelog

And info on the change limiting to json is here: Content type `application/graphql` is deprecated — Shopify developer changelog

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Thanks for looking in to that!

At Gadget we use the release notes for each API version to determine which changes we need to make, i.e. 2025-01 release notes

Would be helpful if all breaking changes were rolled up into that

Good call - giving that feedback to our team!