Webhook subscription failure for returns

We are looking at subscribing at all the webhooks related to returns but we are only able to subscribe to the topic “returns/update”. The subscription to all the following topics is rejected although they are marked as available in the API;

  • returns/cancel
  • returns/close
  • returns/decline
  • returns/reopen
  • returns/request

As an example the following request;

“webhook”: {
“address”: “https://z2zlknd7-5001.aue.devtunnels.ms/shopify/webhook”,
“topic”: “returns/reopen”

Generates the following error;

“errors”: “Could not find the webhook topic returns/reopen”

Can you please help investigate?

If you are trying to subscribe via the REST API those are unavailable for subscription via it.

See this for more information:

Got it. Thanks @RobDukarski.

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