Webhook version migration

We have version 2024-04 and we are looking to get 2025-04. However the versions are not backward compatible and we’ll need to patch the difference.

Is there any guide to migration webhook versions?

I think you’d have to delete and resubscribe using the new API version.
OR if you’ve subscribed to the webhooks in the TOML app configuration file you can update the version there and Shopify will do it for you :slight_smile:

Please refer to the Use a newer API version page in the Webhooks dev docs. This should provide some general guidance for migrating to a new version. If there’s any specific issues you’re running into let us know.

Thank you for the guide.

We found there were not so many discrepancies between the webhook versions, although there were some breaking changes.

It would be useful to have release notes that explain which fields were added/removed between versions.