Wrong shipping rates in Ajax Cart API

Hi there,

we have found a bug in the Shopify Ajax Cart API shipping rates endpoint (Cart API reference) that is related to markets and manual exchange rates.

When requesting the shipping rates in a secondary market, that has a manual exchange rate, to the market country, that has configured shipping rates with the country currency, the API is providing wrong rates. It seems that those rates have been converted to the store currency (with default exchange rate) and then converted again to the market currency (with the configurad manual exchange rate). Anyway, it should simply directly provide the configured rates for the market country. In fact, that is what can be seen at the checkout.

You can see a simple example at cbb-shipping-rates-issue.myshopify.com. If you select the market “Mexico” and make a call to the API for a Mexican delivery address, you will see how the provided shipping rates are completely different than the ones at the checkout.

Please could you take a look?

Kind regards