Additional Categories


There’s a few Shopify technologies that don’t have suitable categories, these include:

  • Ajax API (cart.js / product recommendation)
  • Customer Privacy API



AJAX / Cart API seems like it would mainly fit in Online Store, but I can see how its usage isn’t exactly restricted. I know GraphQL has it’s own category but I would prefer if the separation wasn’t so granular and we just had a “Shopify APIs” category with sub-tags that relate to the specific API.

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I agree that it fits within Online Store, but there’s no tags that are suitable in that category for it:

  • Liquid
  • theme-troubleshooting
  • theme-editor
  • performance

And you’re required to choose at least one :person_shrugging:

Hi folks,

I’ve added a ajax-api tag to the Online Store category. Will chat internally to see which category would fit for the Customer Privacy API.

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A polaris channel would be great


It would also be good to have somewhere to talk about the Partner API (doesn’t seem to get a lot of love).

I was just looking for the appropriate category/channel here to ask about a bug in the customer Notifications email templates, but didn’t see one. Not sure if there’s enough activity on that topic for its own category…

There doesn’t seem to be a category for B2B / New Customer Accounts either. :thinking:

Agreed a category for B2B/Markets would be nice