API health saying we are using deprecated fields

As part of our service, we create webhooks for stores about product create/update/delete using graphQL
currently, we are using the API version 2024-10

We get notifications from the API health saying that we are using old fields
But we checked our webhooks and we created them to return only the ID field for example:

            "id": 11111111111,
            "address": "https://test.com/product/updated",
            "topic": "products/update",
            "created_at": "2025-01-13T01:52:18-05:00",
            "updated_at": "2025-01-13T01:52:18-05:00",
            "format": "json",
            "fields": [
            "metafield_namespaces": [],
            "api_version": "2023-04",
            "private_metafield_namespaces": []

and when we receive the webhooks we fetch the product from the get product graphql API using this query:

query getProductById { product(id: \"gid://shopify/Product/12345678\") { id title vendor productType createdAt handle publishedAt updatedAt onlineStoreUrl tags status descriptionHtml media(first: 10) { nodes { preview { image { id url } } } } featuredMedia { preview { image { url id } } } options(first: 200) { id name position values } variants(first: 200) { nodes { id title price position inventoryPolicy compareAtPrice createdAt updatedAt taxable barcode inventoryQuantity image { id } selectedOptions { name value } availableForSale } } metafields(first: 250) { edges { node { key namespace id value updatedAt createdAt description type } } } resourcePublications(first: 20) { edges { node { isPublished publication { name } } } } } }

this is the message we see:
As of 2024-07, in the Admin GraphQL API and webhooks, many inventory-related fields have been removed from Product Variants in favour of their Inventory Item equivalents. The fields affected are:

  • fulfillmentService
  • harmonizedSystemCode
  • inventoryManagement
  • requiresShipping
  • sku
  • weight
  • weightUnit

Also, the global.harmonized_system_code metafield will no longer be editable.
For more specific information on which types are affected and how, please refer to the changelog:
View change

Does anyone know Why are we still seeing that message? is there something we miss?

We appreciate your help!

Hi Ziz,

When did you make the change away from old fields? If it was a recent change then it’s possible that just hasn’t populated across to the API health report yet.

I did it long time ago, about 2-3 months ago

I noticed that in the webhooks it says that the version is “2023-04”
So I changed the Event version in the app settings to be “2024-10”
I’ll update tomorrow if it solved the issue

It could be that webhook version - let me know in 24 hours if you keep seeing this.

Yeah seems like changing the Event version did the trick :slight_smile:

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Great to hear Ziv! Let us know if you have any other questions.