As part of our service, we create webhooks for stores about product create/update/delete using graphQL
currently, we are using the API version 2024-10
We get notifications from the API health saying that we are using old fields
But we checked our webhooks and we created them to return only the ID field for example:
"id": 11111111111,
"address": "",
"topic": "products/update",
"created_at": "2025-01-13T01:52:18-05:00",
"updated_at": "2025-01-13T01:52:18-05:00",
"format": "json",
"fields": [
"metafield_namespaces": [],
"api_version": "2023-04",
"private_metafield_namespaces": []
and when we receive the webhooks we fetch the product from the get product graphql API using this query:
query getProductById { product(id: \"gid://shopify/Product/12345678\") { id title vendor productType createdAt handle publishedAt updatedAt onlineStoreUrl tags status descriptionHtml media(first: 10) { nodes { preview { image { id url } } } } featuredMedia { preview { image { url id } } } options(first: 200) { id name position values } variants(first: 200) { nodes { id title price position inventoryPolicy compareAtPrice createdAt updatedAt taxable barcode inventoryQuantity image { id } selectedOptions { name value } availableForSale } } metafields(first: 250) { edges { node { key namespace id value updatedAt createdAt description type } } } resourcePublications(first: 20) { edges { node { isPublished publication { name } } } } } }
this is the message we see:
As of 2024-07, in the Admin GraphQL API and webhooks, many inventory-related fields have been removed from Product Variants in favour of their Inventory Item equivalents. The fields affected are:
- fulfillmentService
- harmonizedSystemCode
- inventoryManagement
- requiresShipping
- sku
- weight
- weightUnit
Also, the global.harmonized_system_code metafield will no longer be editable.
For more specific information on which types are affected and how, please refer to the changelog:
View change
Does anyone know Why are we still seeing that message? is there something we miss?
We appreciate your help!