On various GraphQL calls, sometimes ‘API Deprecation Notice’ error is shown.
The message is generic: "message":"https://shopify.dev/api/usage/versioning#deprecation-practices"
Please make the message point out what exactly was deprecated, since this is known on SHopify servers executing the call and producing the message.
Current behaviour: Besides reading the docs, one now has to remove most of the fields, see the error gone, then add a few of the at a time to figure out the problematic field.
And sometimes the docs aren’t helpful, eg implemented this
and the error is {"message":"https://shopify.dev/api/usage/versioning#deprecation-practices","path":"https://test1.myshopify.com/admin/api/2024-10/graphql.json","body":"{\"query\":\"\\nmutation UpdateProductWithNewMedia($input: ProductInput!, $media: [CreateMediaInput!]) {..."}
You can also see the specific GraphQL properties that have been called recently that are being deprecated in the Partner Dashboard.
There’s a API Health column in the Apps table that you can open to see specific properties that have been accessed through queries or mutations that are being deprecated in the next API version.
Thanks Dylan, but in some cases, including the specific example above, it doesn’t help. Another example was a query to Markets which included a deprecated column, it took a long time to find out which one.
Here’s what the API health shows. I tried with the 2025-01 version, the deprecated warning is still in the API call.
Thanks for flagging this - error messages for deprecations could for sure have more clarity and precision. Have reached out to the team that owns this space with your feedback. Will update here when I learn more.
Just to update here - our internal API team are working on a change that will provide more context and info for deprecation messages like the one you shared. Will post here once it’s released - thanks again for flagging this!
This has been bugging me as well, so I’m glad to hear work is being done to improve deprecation messages.
It’s especially confusing considering our API health dashboard shows no deprecated graphQL requests for the last couple days, yet a large number of our graphQL requests to the 2025-01 API are returning this header with the general deprecation practices url.