Cart Transform expanded items don't show on customers order history

Is there any to show on order confirmation the same way it shows on checkout? currently it shows the expanded item (not the original purchased item) and the description “Part of…” indicating part of a bundle. On the customers order view that they can see in their account, it shows nothing, not even the “Part of” messaging.

There was a change recently to allow bundles to appear as a nested group of line items on order notification emails:

Is this what you’re looking to achieve?

No emails look fine. Everything looks great except for the customer account view

Okay - I understand, do you know if you’re using legacy customer accounts or the “newer” customer accounts?

I believe this is legacy

I did see this Cart Transform API Limitations/Issues/Opportunities (Customer Account Order | Notifications | Liquid)) · Shopify/function-examples · Discussion #541 · GitHub which shows the issue… this is a quite a miss

Thanks for sharing this - I’m checking in with the customers team if this is possible with the newer customer accounts.

(post deleted by author)

If I expanded a cart item to include a free gift card, when the customer views their order through account, it shows 1 item, the free gift card with the price of the original purchased item and no mention of that item. It’s a bad customer experience on legacy accounts -


Have confirmed with the team that bundles will appear on current/new customer accounts, but this won’t be available on legacy customer accounts:

OK thanks for taking a look