Checkout "Out of stock" error

The unexpected behaviour

I have a client who have a handful of reported issues of users receiving this error/warning when reaching the checkout.

Allegedly, no items from what they had visible in their cart were actually removed or sold out.

My client successfully, once, was able to reproduce this error - personally, I have not been able to. According to her, also, no items were actually removed.

My tests

As far as I know, and as far as my practical tests on a development store, when this error occurs normally, the popup actually lists the line items that was removed.

I’ve also tried adding sold out (and even draft) variants using cart permalinks; this triggers the popup - but again, with the sold out variant listed in the popup. Not empty like the screenshot.

Anyone has any ideas or even seen this before?

For reference, the client is using a heavily customized Prestige 10.2.0 theme utilizing Shopify Markets.

Disclaimer; for once not sure how to categorize/tag this issue.

@curzey is the client by chance using markets and different warehouses? In my experience I’ve only seen this error occur when a customer tries to purchase something that is in, lets say a Canadian warehouse in stock, but that customer lives in the US and the company does not allow shipping across borders. I think a certain set of routing rules need to apply as well, but just a thought.

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Hmm that’s interesting, because yes. They indeed do use Markets and different Locations. However I believe that all reported issues actually happened on the default market.

Will look more into that. Thanks!

Edit: Also, this does not seem like expected behaviour? :eyes:

Hi Curzey,

Looks like our team are already investigating this. Will update here when I learn more.

Thats great to hear @Liam-Shopify - should I understand that it’s an issue other merchant also reported, or are they specifically investigating this example?

Let me know if I can provide more information.

There was something similar reported by a different merchant - are you seeing this issue on stores which use cart transform functions?

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Actually we do indeed have a CartTransform running on that store, yes. Have not even considered that one, as it simply just fetches some metafields and, in some cases, changes LineItem titles.

@Liam-Shopify did you get any update on this? As mentioned the shop do have a simple CartTransform running, but we can’t really disable it as that would cause mayhem for their order integration :eyes: