Hi there,
I think that the documentation of webhooks is wrong and could be revised
This is just an example of a general problem: in the products/update webhook documentation (at Webhooks), the ‘Resource: Product’ link links to the GraphQL product object, and this is quite confusing. On the one hand, the webhook objects does not match the GraphQL object, but the REST object.
On the other hand, even if we may assume the conversion from REST to GraphQL object on our side (sounds weird, this is just an assumption), this concrete example lacks a lot of information. For instance, the product collections (between other fields) are not included in the webhook (why? we can discuss it in another topic), and this seems not to be documented anywhere.
I know and support the Shopify movement from REST to GraphQL, but it is true that the webhooks documentation used to be quite robust and now may be highly confusing.
Please can you clarify how do we have to interpret this documentation? Or at least, is there any plan to update the documentation?