Create a custom Offsite payments app

Hi there,

My client has developed a new payment gateway, and they would like to integrate it with Shopify.

My idea is to create a custom Offsite Payments app, where, during checkout, the customer is redirected to my client’s portal to finalize the payment.

However, before starting work on it, I need to understand whether this type of application can currently be approved and published by the Shopify team.

It seems that the Payment API is only accessible by invitation, but I’m not sure if this also applies to Offsite Payments apps.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hi Stefano,

We might need more info to evaluate this use case. In this scenario, would this mean that an order would be made on a Shopify storefront, but the processing of the payment would bypass the Shopify checkout and take place on a different platform?

Hi @Liam-Shopify , let me better explain the flow.

The merchant must also be a Move Payment merchant and set up the Move Payment integration by storing their API token.

Once done, the flow is as follows:

  • The customer adds a product to their cart.
  • During the checkout phase, they select Move Payment as the payment method.
  • The system calls the Move API to retrieve a redirect link for the payment.
  • The customer is redirected to the Move Payment hosted payment page.
  • The customer completes the payment.
  • Move notifies Shopify of the payment completion via webhook.
  • Customer is redirected to the Shopify thank you page

Hi again,

If you’re planning to divert buyers away from the Shopify checkout, it sounds like this flow might be breaking the Shopify API License and Terms of Use:

If so this app likely would not be able to be published.

Hi @Liam-Shopify thanks for your answer.

But I think we are exactly in this situation:

where we forward the customer to the Move payment page only to process the payment.

If it’s so, could we start working on it?

I’ve checked internally and the payments team is not accepting new Payments Partner Platform (PPP) Applications at this time, so it won’t be possible to use the payments app request reference in your app.

@Liam-Shopify this is a bad news.
Is there a way to be added into a waiting queue? Do you need some formal request by the Move owner?

Access to the API is currently by invite only.