Hello guys,
I’m building a customer account UI extension, and apparently I can only preview it when running “shopify app dev”, not visible in the live app after deployment “shopify app deploy”.
Do you have an idea why ?
Hello guys,
I’m building a customer account UI extension, and apparently I can only preview it when running “shopify app dev”, not visible in the live app after deployment “shopify app deploy”.
Do you have an idea why ?
Hi @Mehdi
Are you certain when you deploy your extension that you’re using your production app config toml?
For example, I have a dedicated development app config toml for running shopify app dev
, so that way I don’t accidentally deploy incomplete changes to production.
Then when I’m ready to deploy to production, I switch to my production app and use shopify app deploy
If you accidentally deploy to your development app, then the extension will be available in the theme editor without shopify app dev
, but it will need to be deployed using your production toml file in order to deploy to all of your users.
You can also double check in the Versions tab in your Shopify Partner dashboard to make sure you’re deploying to your production app.
Hey @Mehdi,
Another thing to check is whether you’ve enabled the extensions via the Checkout and accounts editor (Admin → Settings → Checkout → Customize → Add your extensions).
Thank you Dylan,
Indeed, I used to have a dev .toml, but then I updated it with my production settings and I deployed.
And in Shopify, I see the correct version in my production app
Also, the .toml you are refering to is the shopify.app.toml? or the shopify.extension.toml?
I didn’t know this exist!
Does it have a deeplink like for theme-extensions or it need to be done manually on merchants side?
I’m interested in knowing how you manage to specify the config toml to deploy into? is it something you handle from command line?
Sounds like you were able to figure the issue out. Great
So the other thing to keep in mind, if you’re testing your production app - make sure you’re using a development store with Developer Preview enabled. Otherwise Checkout UI extensions won’t be available.
Does it have a deeplink like for theme-extensions or it need to be done manually on merchants side?
Merchants have to manually add your extensions as app blocks to their theme’s pages. You cannot register it on their behalf, unlike the older ScriptTags API.
I’m interested in knowing how you manage to specify the config toml to deploy into? is it something you handle from command line?
Yes, you can pass a --config
flag in the Shopify CLI commands to specify which app config you’d like to use.
For example, when I use shopify app config link
, I choose my development app so shopify app dev
just runs on my development app and development stores.
Then when I’m ready for production, I swap out my environment variables then run shopify app build
and then shopify app deploy --config=shopify.app.<production>.toml
Replace <production>
with your app name, or some other memorable name that it is production not development.
Long version:
shopify app deploy --config=shopify.app.<production>.toml
Short version:
shopify app deploy -c <production>
Don’t forget to replace <production>
with your environment.
Thank you guys!
I’m using Gadget.dev and I found a way to streamline it (deploy extensions).
I have my development environment setup in local (2 extensions files set with dev values), that I deploy to my dev app.
In gadget I’m keeping the production environment so I can deploy to production without file changes.
Thanks for this!
Totally needs to be in big bold text somewhere in the docs But for me it also needs to be 90’s blinking red text, then I might actually notice it.