POS UI Extensions not deploying on active app version

I recently implemented an POS UI extension in the latest version of my app (we’re migrating from legacy POS Links extensions).

The thing is, on development (running locally shopify app dev) it works pretty well on Shopify POS, but today we deploy it (using shopify app deploy) and the extensions don’t appear in the production Shopify POS app.

I created the POS UI extension using shopify cli.
I use “shopify app dev” command for development and testing.
Once I finished the development, finally I use “shopify app deploy” to deploy the new version with the POS UI extension.

The version with the new extension is released and active (as I see in the partner dashboard), but the extension just not appear in the app.

Is there any extra step I need to do for deploy the POS UI extensions? Has anyone experienced this too?

Hi! Have connected with the POS extensions team to see why this might be happening. Will let you know what I hear back.

Hi @Liam-Shopify,

We are also having the same issue.

Same as described by @chescko29, we have just deployed our POS ui extension and its not showing in the POS UI.

  1. App is embedded in the POS.
  2. Successfully deployed by CLI and released to merchants.
  3. Shows in the active version within the app releases section.

Is there something we are missing?


Hi @Jack.

Just to validate if we are using the same versions. What version of Shopify API and Shopify CLI are you using?

I’m working with:

Shopify CLI: 3.74.1
Shopify API: 2025-01
@shopify/ui-extensions: 2025.1.x
@shopify/ui-extensions-react: 2025.1.x

Maybe that info can be useful for @Liam-Shopify

@chescko29 and @Jack: I had what sounds like the same issue deploying POS UI extensions to a staging environment for our QA people to work on. I found that the issue was that the app I deployed to didn’t have the “embed app in Shopify POS” configuration option enabled:

Once I changed this to “true” I was able to add my POS UI extensions, so it might be worth checking this setting (Shopify Partners portal → apps → your app → configuration → scroll down to the “POS” section).

Hi @AndyPye

This would not be our case because we already have that option enabled. It looks that is a bug or something.


Ah OK – just thought it was worth mentioning just in case. It might help some other developers to have the reminder visible here too :person_shrugging:

Hope you get a resolution to this soon!

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