Discount message gets ignored for code based Product discount function

Hi Shopify team :wave: ,

we are passing the message for every discount that the function applies (api).

The expectation is that the discount title is reflected correctly as per the message that is passed.This works as expected when using the automatic discount type but when using the code type it applies only the primary title and not the message that we pass along with the discount. (ie the message value is discarded).

Expectation - we expect it to work similarly to the automatic discount type in product discount functions
Query -Can someone please confirm if this is a limitation / bug / an expected behaviour ?

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I have the same behaviour, would love to know if this is as per spec or not!

Hey folks - have reached out to the Discounts product team on this, will let you know what I hear back.

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Thanks @Liam-Shopify. Will look forward to hearing back on this.

Hi folks,

I’ve confirmed with the discounts product team that the current behaviour is expected, so for code-based discounts the message value is discarded.

We’re updating the developer docs to clarify this however, so thanks for your feedback on this!