Docs for line item properties needs updating

The guidance around hidden line item properties is not clear and does not match when comparing the Theme Architecture documentation to the Liquid Objects documentation.

If the guidance is that _ properties are hidden automatically at checkout, then the documentation for the liquid cart should also hide _ properties.

Theme Architecture:
Docs show a line item properties snippet for cart that does not include conditions for hidden line item properties:

{% for item in cart.items %}
  <!-- line item info -->

  {% unless == empty %}
    {% for property in %}
      {{ property.first }}:

      {% if property.last contains '/uploads/' %}
        <a href="{{ property.last }}">{{ property.last | split: '/' | last }}</a>
      {% else %}
        {{ property.last }}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endunless %}
{% endfor %}

Liquid Objects:
Docs mention hidden line item properties at checkout

You can add an underscore to the beginning of a property name to hide it from customers at checkout. For example, properties[_hiddenPropertyName].

Requested update to theme docs:
If the guidance is that _ properties are hidden automatically at checkout, then the documentation for the liquid cart should also hide _ properties.

To ensure consistency of how hidden line item properties are handled, the documentation should be updated to use a snippet similar to Dawn, that checks for properties beginning with an _

{%- for property in -%}
  {%- assign property_first_char = property.first | slice: 0 -%}
  {%- if property.last != blank and property_first_char != '_' -%}
    <div class="product-option">
      <dt>{{ property.first }}:</dt>
        {%- if property.last contains '/uploads/' -%}
            href="{{ property.last }}"
            {{ property.last | split: '/' | last }}
        {%- else -%}
          {{ property.last }}
        {%- endif -%}
  {%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}

I understand your reasoning here but it should probably be a separate area of the documentation rather than the main code snippet because some developers may not want to hide those properties within the cart, for whatever reason.

Thank you for sharing the suggestion though!

I’m not sure I understand the logic on this one. If developers wanted them not hidden, they wouldn’t use the _ prefix. Care to elaborate on the use case for this?