Error when upgrading Remix, Response.json is not a function

Before deploying my app, I updated Remix to version 2.13.1, when I did it, I had deprecated on the json response provided by Remix:

This utility is deprecated in favor of opting into Single Fetch via future. v3_singleFetch and returning raw objects. This method will be removed in React Router v7. If you need to return a JSON Response, you can use Response. json().

So I used Response.json() in my code, it works without issues when I use shopify app dev, all my code works.
But when I deployed my app on my cluster, and built it, I have this error when I want to try my app in dev mode:

[shopify-api/INFO] Creating new session | {shop:, isOnline: false}
TypeError: Response.json is not a function
    at loader (file:///app/build/server/index.js?t=1732184518000:4154:19)
    at Object.callRouteLoader (/app/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/dist/data.js:59:16)
    at /app/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:4899:19
    at callLoaderOrAction (/app/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:4963:16)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at defaultDataStrategy (/app/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:4772:17)
    at callDataStrategyImpl (/app/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:4835:17)
    at callDataStrategy (/app/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:3992:19)
    at loadRouteData (/app/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:3937:19)
    at queryImpl (/app/node_modules/@remix-run/router/router.ts:3696:20)

The code from index.js is:

const loader = async ({ request }) => {
  await authenticate.admin(request);
  const user = await getAuthenticatedUser();
  return Response.json({
    apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY || "",
    authenticatedUser: user

Can I use Response.json already ? Or should I wait ? Why the embedded app doesn’t work but the dev version yes ?

Hi @Vincent_Decaux, what version of node are you using in your cluster?
It seems like if you enable the v3_singleFetch feature flag you can remove json entirely. Have you tried doing that? Future Flags (v2.13.1) | Remix

I tried to upgrade to Node 22 alpine, but same error as the Node 20 installed by default.

But yes, I see, thanks for the link to documentation, I will upgrade to this flag.

I faced the same error when returning Response.json(…) in the loader. I’m using the image 20.18.0-alpine in the container (production) and node 20.18.0 in my local machine. The weird part is that this works well in my machine, but fails in docker. I solved it using the function data (import { data } from ‘@remix-run/node’) and it works well.

Like in the example:

-import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
+import { data } from "@remix-run/node";

export async function loader({}: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
  let tasks = await fetchTasks();
-  return json(tasks, {
+  return data(tasks, {
    headers: {
      "Cache-Control": "public, max-age=604800"