Extended variants support. variant_gids for existing shops will be autoregistered?

Question about extended variants support for a single product (101-2000). Would variant_gids be autoregistered for all existing shops starting at some point (when, if so?), or would app developers need to go and update webhook subscriptions for existing merchants themselves to return variant_gids ?

The docs say it’ll be backdated, so I imagine it’ll be added for you I think. I would imagine it’ll be after the 1st when 2k variants is rolled out. But I could be wrong

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Thank you for responding, I really appreciate that. Can you please point to the documentation that says this:

The docs say it’ll be backdated

The hope if that it will be automatically added but I am yet to find the confirmation.
Thank you.

Oh yes sorry thought I’d included it API updates

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Perfect, thank you so much :+1: