[Feature Request]: POS Product / Inventory Data

Hey POS Team,

Would it be possible to provide Inventory Item ID, with the Product Variant data ProductSearch API

It would save me a lot of API calls on the backend :see_no_evil:

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Hi there,

Thank you for your request regarding the ProductSearch API. I understand you’re looking to include the Inventory Item ID with the Product Variant data to optimize your API calls.

Currently, the POS system doesn’t maintain a reference to the Inventory Item ID in its core data model. Adding this field would require significant architectural changes to our data structure and API implementation.

While we appreciate the potential performance benefits this would bring to your backend operations, we unfortunately cannot accommodate this request in the current version of our API.

Alternative approaches you might consider:

  1. Caching the Inventory Item IDs on your end
  2. Batch processing these requests during off-peak hours


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Thanks for that information Victor!