POS api.productSearch.searchProducts: tag and vendor work, but not productType

We are using the Product Search API: ProductSearch API

When we pass a Shopify tag(s) or vendor(s) as the query string the matching products are returned, but when we try to pass a productType then there are zero results. Is this an oversight / bug, or by design?

Are you passing a specific query like productType: X or just the free text search? :slight_smile:

I’ve just tested this, setting a product type of initial on a product, ensuring thats been synced to POS and then searching for this in my POS app.
Using the code below, where my searchTerm is just the productType

        queryString: searchTerm,
        first: 10,

@JordanFinners thanks, I am using just free text search. This isn’t working for me, to confirm is it working for you?

Yeah its working for me :slight_smile:

POS keeps a cache of your product data, so if you go More > Connectivity > Data Syncronisation and click Refresh All and wait for it to finish. It might be the data you are searching on device is out of data :slight_smile:

Thanks Jordan, unfortunately it’s still not working for us. Can someone from Shopify confirm?