fileDelete mutation limitations?

Hi team!
I’m developing an app with some features, and it includes possibility to delete Files from store.
Today i faced a problem with files, which has more than 100 references:

I have an error:

networkStatusCode: 200,
message: "GraphQL Client: An error occurred while fetching from the API. Review 'graphQLErrors' for details.",
graphQLErrors: [
message: 'Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\n' +
 'Request ID: 9e45c891-ecbe-4a4f-9e41-10f507fe084f-1738753674 (include this in support requests).',
extensions: [Object]

And with other files (with less amount of refs) everything is ok.
Do we have any limitations with fileDelete mutation, and can i get more info about my error to find a way to fix it?


mutation fileDelete($input: [ID!]!) {
      fileDelete(fileIds: $input) {

Version: 2024-10

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