Hi there,
I’m trying to import some orders using the OrderCreate
After 5 orders I get this error on the userErrors array Too many attempts. Please try again later.
Is there any limitation for this mutation?
That’s the API response I get:
{"data"=>{"orderCreate"=>{"userErrors"=>[], "order"=>{"id"=>"gid://shopify/Order/6140782379330"}}}, "extensions"=>{"cost"=>{"requestedQueryCost"=>10, "actualQueryCost"=>10, "throttleStatus"=>{"maximumAvailable"=>2000.0, "currentlyAvailable"=>1990, "restoreRate"=>87.0}}}}
Hi Baggio,
How quickly are you making these mutations? We have info on avoiding rate limit errors here: Shopify API rate limits
Hi Liam,
I’ve found out that for development stores order creation is limited by 5 orders/minute
I am currently using the REST API version 2020-01 on a dev (affiliate) store. I can perform REST API requests very slowly, such as 1 request every 5 to 10 seconds, and will get the following error: HTTP Status: 429 (Too Many Requests)
This warning is written on the rest API docs and not on the admin GraphQL one!
Glad you figured this out - will connect with the relevant team to have this noted on the GraphQL doc.