flowTriggerReceive mutation fails on deployed app, but succeeds in development mode

I have a Shopify app which has several flow trigger and flow action extensions configured. During local development, I was able to trigger the extension and confirmed it’s working as it subsequently invoked my attached flow action url through the workflow step.

Here is the mutation I issued through Graphiql:

    handle: "customer-birthday-arrived",
    payload: {
      customer_id: 7895639851259
    userErrors {field, message}

Now, once I deployed my app through shopify app deploy and tried to execute the exact same mutation in my development store (which has an active workflow using the same trigger), I get the following error:

"userErrors": [
          "field": [
          "message": "Errors validating schema:\n  Invalid handle 'customer-birthday-arrived'.\n"

I also have a flow trigger callback url setup (Which is just a webhook tester for now), and I can confirm that it is called with correct payload whenever I turn on (activate) my workflow in my dev store. Below is the payload attached for reference, that was received by the callback:

  "shop_id": 72023245051,
  "shopify_domain": "quickstart-f7190f47.myshopify.com",
  "flow_trigger_definition_id": "Customer birthday arrived",
  "timestamp": "2025-01-11T04:00:11Z",
  "has_enabled_flow": true

Note: My app has not been published to the Shopify store yet as I haven’t submitted it for review. Could this be the cause of this error?

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Note: My app has not been published to the Shopify store yet as I haven’t submitted it for review. Could this be the cause of this error?


You are mixing development mode and local development and I can’t tell if you mean the same thing above.

Are you trying to test literally the same workflow after you publish (or a copied version)? I would try creating a new workflow because you likely have the draft version of the trigger in that existing workflow. Or at least switch the trigger to something else, and then switch it back.

If that doesn’t work, it might help to share a link to the workflow that doesn’t work

I’m creating a similar workflow (utilizing the same trigger - not draft) after deployment.

Here is the link to workflow: https://admin.shopify.com/store/quickstart-f7190f47/apps/flow/overview/019453d8-8499-7672-8cac-fb695528e39b

We are seeing your handle as customer-birthday-arrived-2.

Hey @paul_n

Yeah, I did that recently to try to start everything from scratch (deleting previous triggers and adding new ones with different handles), but was still unsuccessful.

I’ve redeployed with new handles again, and the issue still persist.

Here’s the workflow for your reference: https://admin.shopify.com/store/quickstart-f7190f47/apps/flow/overview/01946b42-23d8-72a9-9779-4c51c59dbc91

Would really appreciate if you can check again pelase.

Following is the mutation I’m trying to issue.

And here you can see that the triggers are not in draft mode:

Are you sure you haven’t hard-coded or used the wrong API key somewhere? I think we’ve seen this error when partners used the same API key across different environments.

It might help to take a video showing where this works and where this doesn’t work.