`flowTriggerReceive` mutation invalid handle

Hi, I have followed the steps here Create a trigger to create my custom Shopify Flow trigger. However, when I try to send the flowTriggerReceive mutation, I get an error stating the handle is invalid.

I have confirmed that I am using the correct API keys and sending the right handle. I also tried it with both a draft extension and the published version.

Any ideas?

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I could not find the correct tag for this topic. Please let me know if I should post it somewhere else.

Moving this to the Shopify Flow board :slight_smile:

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From Extensions to Shopify Flow

Added automation and removed theme-app-extension

Did you change the handle after running app dev? If so, that can cause a problem.

Otherwise, we would need more detail on what payload you are sending

I read that somewhere, but I didn’t change the handle.

I tried exactly the payload from the tutorial too, but this is what I want to do:
'{"query":"mutation flowTriggerReceive($handle: String, $payload: JSON) { flowTriggerReceive(handle: $handle, payload: $payload) { userErrors { field message } }}","variables":{"handle":"pbi-trigger-expired","payload":{"companyId":"gid://shopify/Company/581206335"}}}

I know the handle exists, because I have configured a flow too.

Do you have app dev running and you have a workflow activated for that shop and trigger?

Also, do you have a trigger discovery webhook setup? If so, you may need to make sure that endpoint is working too.

Yes. What is a trigger discovery webhook? I can’t find it in the docs.

You may have set it up in the partner dashboard: