I am getting following error -
GraphqlQueryError: Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.
remix │ Request ID: d498c983-d318-4b59-99da-59ce44922518-1730432785 (include this in support requests)
Following is my query (I am using remix) -
const response = await storefront.graphql(
query MyQuery ($searchQuery: String!, $minPrice: Float, $maxPrice: Float ) {
search(query: $searchQuery, first: 50, productFilters: {price: {max: $maxPrice, min: $minPrice}}, types:PRODUCT) {
nodes {
... on Product {
category {
{variables: {
"filterQuery": `${searchQuery}`,
"minPrice": minPrice,
"maxPrice": maxPrice,
If I remove category {name} then the query works. I want to query name of category field and the latest (October 2024) storefront api spec (product - Storefront API) shows that category field is there for product. In earlier version it was not there.