Storefront "query" field not returning results for any query

My site is suddenly suffering the same issue as reported here over a year ago -

Overnight the graphQL queries using the Storefront API that use the “query” variable just don’t return any products. This on the site itself and using Postman to run the queries, the exact same queries when run through the Shopify GraphiQL App will return the expected products.

This is just a legacy site that I took over supporting and wasn’t originally involved in creating - for now I have implemented the workaround suggested in the linked thread using the search query instead. However this isn’t ideal because the products can’t be sorted by title which the original query was doing.

Any idea why this would just happen at random? I have checked the API release notes going back several years but can’t find any clues in there.

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Having the same problem. Problem first occured at 6th Nov 2024 4-5:30 AM CET.

Do you also use the Shopify App “Headless” for your Storefront?

A similar issue was reported on Github last year. Apparently it was due to a bug with Shopify.

@Rebecca-Shopify @Ben-Shopify , can you please help us solving the problem?

No it doesn’t use the Headless app - the problem is present when running the raw query through Postman so I don’t think any app could be at fault here and it’s a bug in the API.

It looks like this is fixed now, I was able to get results again when running the affected graphQL queries via Postman so updated my site to use the old queries and it seems fine.