I’m looking to retrieve the Bank Reference field, visible in the UI of the Payouts details page in admin. I am able to pull various payout data utilising the query relating to payouts in the documentation, but am unable to identify where the Bank Reference field is accessible (if it is at all) -
Hey Conor,
It doesn’t look like this field is exposed to the API - what would be your use case for accessing this field? I can at least connect with the product team to see if support could be added?
Thank for coming back to me, we’d like to send the value in the bank reference to the associated customer deposits within the erp NetSuite to help with bank and accountancy reconciliation.
Hi again Conor,
Appreciate you sharing the use-case, I’ve reached out to the payments product team and will let you know what I hear back.
Hi again Conor,
The product team have said they’re exploring adding support for this - it possibly will be in the next API version but cannot confirm that for 100%.
Hope this helps!