How to send internal email for orders containing bundles in Shopify Flow?

Hi everyone,

I want to set up an automation in Shopify Flow that sends an internal email whenever an order contains a bundle product. However, I’m not entirely sure how to configure it properly.

My question is: What conditions should I use to detect bundle products in an order?

I’d appreciate it if anyone who has experience with Shopify Flow or similar use cases could share their insights or suggest the best approach.

Thanks in advance!

Here’s the answer I found, and I wanted to share it with you.

The Bundle Name is in the lineItemGroup title.

I resolved it using the following GraphQL query:

query GetOrder($id: ID!) {
  order(id: $id) {
    lineItems(first: 10) {
      edges {
        node {
          lineItemGroup {
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Just a note that you shouldn’t need to actually enter that query anywhere in Flow, but it does show the path to check a bundle title (order / lineItems / lineItemGroup / title)

I know I won’t add this GraphQL query to Shopify Flow, I just shared how I was able to find the relevant field :slightly_smiling_face:

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