Using the following mutation, I receive the following error message when attacking Store “A”, but it works correctly with Store “B”. What configuration could be causing the error? API version is 2024-04
Message: “Country HS codes GQ harmonized system code
The harmonized system code must start with 680430 and be longer than 6 digits.”
mutation inventoryItemUpdate($id: ID!, $input: InventoryItemUpdateInput!) {
inventoryItemUpdate(id: $id, input: $input) {
inventoryItem {
userErrors {
"id": "gid://shopify/InventoryItem/12345678901234",
"input": {
"cost": 12.34,
"countryCodeOfOrigin": "JP",
"harmonizedSystemCode": "680430"
Note 1: I have no access to Store “A”
Screenshot using the UI on Store B where it works correctly