Images Not Showing as WebP When Auditing

I’m trying to figure out why the images on my website are showing up as PNG and JPEG when auditing them using various crawlers. I know Shopify says it automatically converts them. However, this appears to not be happening. I’d appreciate any assistance!

Are you sure they aren’t webp? The extension may still show jpg or png but they may actually be webp. Another possibility as it’s running through cloudflare is cloudflare may determine that webp is not in fact smaller in that case.

Can you link to the store @Jacque_Alec ?

Thanks @Liam-Shopify -

@MadWizard @Liam-Shopify - if I have the resources to do so, would you recommend only adding images as WebP to Shopify in the 1st place instead of relying on them to convert?

Hi again Jacque,

I’m seeing images showing up as WebP:

would you recommend only adding images as WebP to Shopify in the 1st place instead of relying on them to convert?

No - Shopify should render images as WebP automatically, without you needing to do anything. There’s some additional info in this blog post about how Shopify manages images that could be helpful: Understanding Progressive JPEG and WebP Formats - Shopify Ireland