I’ve been trying for several days to figure this one out, but I can’t seem to find anything.
I am developing a custom website using Hydrogen, and for my product page I have numerous images I want to display. These images are saved as WebP inside the Shopify CDN and are loaded through GraphQL. So inside the product details page I am loading the product and necessary images through the query:
images(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
This works as expected. It contains all images and the necessary data. I am then loading these images inside a custom component called ProductImage that contains a slider. It is loaded inside a tag. Looking at the Network traffic using Firefox, everything is fine. image/webp is accepted, the image received in a .webp file and the type metatag also shows image/webp.
The problem arises when using Safari. Here are parts of the request header:
:path: [REDACTED].webp?v=[REDACTED]&width=1400&height=1400&crop=center
Accept: image/webp,image/avif,image/jxl,image/heic,image/heic-sequence,video/*;q=0.8,image/png,image/svg+xml,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5
As you can see, the path clearly states it’s a .webp image and the Accept header also specifies that image/webp is acceptable. However, the following response was sent:
Content-Type: image/png
Link: <[REDACTED].webp>; rel="canonical"
source-type: image/webp
For whatever reason, it automatically served the content type as PNG. If the image does not offer any transparency, it gets converted to a Jpeg. How can I prevent this? The image size that needs to be loaded increases from 150kb to 1.1mb, which is a heavy hit for Safari users. Has anyone dealt with a similar issue? I am using the newest version of Safari and webp images are loaded correctly when I upload them myself and serve them inside the public folder.