Missing documentation on fetch_stock.json callback for FulfillmentService.inventoryManagement

I cannot find documentation on the expected response in the callback.

The documentation mentions the callback here https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-04/objects/FulfillmentService. It does link to the to the functional documenttion of Orders and Fulfillment > Step 9 (Optional): Share inventory levels with Shopify but that doesn’t have technical information.

The only (unofficial) technical documentation I could find is here: Postman

This does seem to work, but I’m not sure if I’m using it entirely correctly. My underlying question is on the meaning of the value in the provided SKU quantity. Does it mean available or on_hand.

Good call out @greenharm

We have this Build for fulfillment services doc that has a section for sharing inventory levels with Shopify via fetch_stock but it does not provide an example. It also does not call out if this is on_hand or available that you are expected to provide.

Here is an example you can use:

  "SKU123": 10,
  "SKU456": 5,
  "SKU789": 15

I can also confirm that this is mapping to on_hand quantities. I’ll ensure we update the docs with this example and more details on the quantity it maps to.


How does this work when multiple fulfillment locations have been registered e.g. for different fulfillment warehouses, each with their own stock levels?

Does the request to the fetch_stock webhook include the location to return the stock levels for? I couldn’t find any documentation around this which makes me think this variable is possibly missing from the current implementation.

Is there best practices to follow if the fulfillment location isn’t provided yet?