Fulfillment Service Inventory fetch_stock values not applying

We use a private app fulfillment service with inventory tracking across many custom stores. For one store, we are seeing issues where the value we are returning in fetch_stock response is not being reflected on the Shopify end. I log what is being returned from fetch_stock prior to sending the response, and the values aren’t matching.

For example, one SKU I’m returning 586, but Shopify is stuck at 253… Is there an undocumented delay, or some other logic in play preventing updates?

Hey Ken,

Can you post the full query you’re using?

I was able to solve it - the store in question has an extremely large number of SKUs which was apparently making our system take too long to respond to the request. Once I ‘pre-fetched’ the inventory into a file a few minutes before I know the request is coming and serve that file, it started working.

Was there a way for me to know that Shopify was timing out, or having any sort of issue with the request other than taking a shot in the dark that the only difference on this one store was SKU count?

  • Ken
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Great to hear you figured this out Ken!