Fulfillment services apps - Complete fulfilled orders

Hi all,

Our app has been assigned to Fulfillment service category, and we don’t understand why we’re seeing poor results for the “Complete fulfilled orders” chart (Insights → Fulfillment services). According to the requirements in the documentation, we have checked and our fulfillment orders should be considered complete, as they are not in any of the following states:

open, submitted
in_progress, accepted
in_progress, cancellation_rejected
in_progress, cancellation_requested

Could you give me any advice, please? Has anyone else encountered this situation?

Hi Levente, can you please tell me the name of your app?

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Could you please DM me? I wont to share our app name directly here.

DMing you now @Levente_Kovacs

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Hello Shopify Team,

Could you please double-check this issue? The deadline for these criteria is approaching, and we would like to resolve it as soon as possible.

Hello Shopify!

We are experiencing the same issue mentioned above. The metrics are not showing accurate values. The problem is that the March 3rd deadline is approaching quickly.

@Leah-Shopify Can you please speed up the investigation of this issue (reported by Levente) on your side, because our deadline is 3rd March, if it is not resolved on time we will loose our BFS badge, what we really do not want! Of course our team is here and we can work with you to find the root cause of this issue!

Hello @Levente_Kovacs, @Akos_Gulyas and @Imre_Tarsi,

I apologize for the time it has taken for us to investigate this, we greatly appreciate your patience. It does look like we have an issue on our end which is causing certain partial fulfillments to penalize the metric. We will have this resolved for you this week well before the March 3 deadline.

We are working to ensure that no one loses their badges because of any errors or oversights on our end. Thank you again for your patience and for working for us on this.

Hey @Leah-Shopify

Thank you for your update. We appreciate your kind and helpful support. Please feel free to reach out if you require any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you all again for your patience. We have resolved the issue and the data for the “completed fulfillment orders” metric should now be accurately represented on your dashboards.