Built for Shopify 2025 - Fulfillment services apps

Hi all,
I have a question for Respond to cancellation requests. I received 4 cancel request fulfillments on Jan, 17 2025 and response at the same time. But, I checking metrics in my app show wrong result (1,440 mins). Please tell my why for metrics?

Hi @Shopifolk
Please help me!

Hi MinhDev,

Please don’t tag groups or individuals. Shopify staff and other developers active in this community will provide assistance when they can, and tagging groups won’t expedite this process.

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Oh, sorry for this.
I’m working on this part and the metrics aren’t looking good so I’m very worried. This upcoming March is the audit deadline, I have processed it to fully respond. But, metrics don’t say that. I don’t know what to do next.

Hi Minh, what’s the name of your app?

Hi Benji,
My name app is Zopi dropshipping.
And, my app work for Fulfillment service in Shopify category apps.

I have contacted the BFS Metrics team via email.