Restock webhook to detect all restocks

There are several different ways items can be restocked, but it’s not possible to detect them all correctly as some of them trigger similar topics at different moments in the return/restock process.

An orders/restock webhook topic would be very awesome to have. Maybe with a similar payload as the deduction part of the orders/edited webhook.

You can look at the the refunds/created webhook, but you can also restock an item without sending a refund, so in that case the refunds webhook is not triggered. If you look at the orders/edited, orders/updated, orders/cancelled and returns webhook there is one piece missing and that’s a generic way to detect the restock itself. You can look at the inventory_levels/updated webhook, but you can’t see if that was because of a restock or another inventory change because the inventory_levels/updated payload doesn’t contain a trigger/reason.

Adding a reason to the inventory_levels/updated webhook would be an even better alternative if a orders/restocked topic is not possible.

Anyone at Shopify that can help solve this missing piece?