I’m developing my first app. I’m building it with standard Remix kit.
When I run “shopify app dev” in my terminal, and click on the preview URL, the browser opens with the test store but I get this: “The application cannot be found.”
It happened a few times and then somehow stopped and I was able to preview my app, but now it’s happening again. Can you please help me understand what I’m doing wrong?
How can I preview my app without this issue?
Update: I tried “shopify app dev --reset”
Still getting "The application cannot be found.” on the store when the browser opens 
The funny thing is that it happened before and then worked fine yesterday, and now it’s doing it again.
Hi there 
The first thing I would suggests is making sure you enabled the following setting
Have Shopify automatically update your app's URL in order to create a preview experience?
> (y) Yes, automatically update
You can also configure this setting the the shopify.app.toml
The Shopify CLI uses a tunnel with a random generated URL each time you start your app (shopify app dev) When you enable this setting it will update your app URL in record in the Shopify Partners dashboard for your app each time you start your app.
If you don’t have this setting enabled it could cause there to be a difference between your app url, and what Shopify thinks it should be.
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Hey Liz I am having the same issue I even added > (y) Yes, automatically update but it’s still showing the same error and I am not able to install the app in my store