Unable to create draft orders through the REST admin API

Our Shopify-integrated application allows clients to create draft orders for their stores via the access token they provide. The REST admin API we use for that is POST draft_orders.

For one of our clients that keeps failing. When I called the API in POSTMAN I found that it always responds with 200 OK with a list of existing draft orders instead of the expected 201 Created.

I checked the client’s store and am certain that all possible access scopes, including write_draft_orders and read_draft_orders, have been granted to the access token that we use in our application.

I’m also sure that the info passed in the POST draft_orders requests are correct, for otherwise they would have got some other error responses instead of 200 OK.

I’ve asked Shopify support and they couldn’t provide any definitive answer, just urged us to check again the access scopes etc.

Has anyone encountered something similar? Could there be any setting that’s missed in the client store? One thing I could think of is that their Shopify subscription plan is Shopify; does POST draft_orders only work for plans above that? (Shopify support claimed that it’s not related)

Thanks for any info in advance!

Hi Peter,

Is this behaviour just happening on this specific store?

From Partner Discussions to Products and Orders APIs

Added admin-api-orders and removed app-store

Added draft-orders and removed admin-api-orders