Why is Cart and Checkout Validation limited to 5 installations?

Hello Shopify Developer Community,

As an app developer using Cart and Checkout Validations, I have concerns about the 2024-10 API version limiting installations to 5 per store.

Some of our merchant stores already exceed this limit, making it challenging to upgrade to 2024-10.


  1. What’s the rationale behind this change?
  2. Are there plans to increase the 5-app limit in future?


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Hi Ogasawarakyohei,

Our checkout product team created the limit of five checkout validations to prevent performance and usability issues on the checkout. There’s currently no plan to adjust this - but if you describe use-cases where this limit is a blocker for merchants I can flag these situations to the product team.

Hi Ogasawarakyohei,

I also faced this limit. The solution I came up with was updating my validation function to be able to handle multiple operations in a single function. This allowed merchants using my app have the ability add more cart validation rules without reaching the limit but under the hood its still running under a single function.

Hope this helps!

Hi Liam,

Thank you for explaining the reasoning behind the limit and the current stance on this policy.
At this point, I cannot think of any use cases that require more than 5 validations, but in our app, we took the approach of creating and using multiple validations to keep validation settings simple and flexible.
While it might be possible to consolidate these multiple validations into a single one, we would have appreciated consideration for apps that would need significant implementation changes due to suddenly being restricted to 5 validations when they had been using more than that.
However, I understand the performance considerations driving this decision.

Hi Darian,

Thank you for sharing your specific solution. I agree that handling multiple operations into a single function is the most viable approach. However, I’m concerned about how to smoothly transition existing merchants who are currently using the separate validation setup. Would you mind sharing how you handled the migration process in your case?
