Anyway to integrate Github to deploy Extension Only Apps?

Is there anyway to deploy a new version of an extension linked to the main branch of a github repository, similar to what we have for themes?

Hi Pedro,

I feel this should be possible by working with Github actions and somehow connecting it to the CLI for deployment. Let me look into this a bit :slight_smile:

I found this in the docs, which might help:

Shopify CLI builds UI extensions using ESBuild.It expects an extension script named index.{ts,js,tsx,jsx} to exist in the extension’s directory or the src/ subdirectory. Shopify CLI build process outputs the extension in dist/index.js when running build, and inside a temporary directory when running deploy to prevent past build artifacts from leaking into the deploy bundle.

Hi Pedro,

The process for automating the deploy and release of app versions is documented here:

It’s the same for extension-only and embedded apps, just simpler for extension-only since you don’t need to deploy the hosted app anywhere.
