App bridge webvitals not matching partner dashboard

I’m having some issues with the LCP data we log from App Bridge and what is reported in the partner dashboard

We have a react based app and use the code suggested here to send a call back that we log into a database -

With the data Shopify is sending us, it shows that our app is performing well under the 2.5s LCP limit.

Looking the the partner dashboard for our app, our LCP is above the 2.5 limit

Below are screen shots of the data we have captured (averaged for each day we have had the code installed), and what is shown in the partner dashboard

There have been no code changes in almost 2 weeks, other than adding the app bridge webvitals code

Why is there such a huge difference between the two sources of Shopify data?

Hey Josh - checking this with the Built for Shopify team now. Will let you know what I hear back!

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Just checking up on this. Our partner dashboard is still reporting that we are above LCP limits, but app bridge still reports below.

Hi again Josh,

I’ve connected with the product team on this, and they’ve confirmed the metrics come from the same source, although we average the scores that you see on the Partners Dashboard - which is why you’re seeing different numbers. What we show in the debug tools are the raw metrics that that build the dashboard. DMing you to get details on the exact app in this case.

responded. thank you!