[Bug] Shopify cart permalink does not prefill address

From doc[1], Shopify cart permalink can modify checkout and prefill address by setting checkout param like checkout[shipping_address][city]. However, it seems that it is not working.

Below are the steps to reproduce and expected behavior

  1. Starts with browser incognito mode
  2. Visit https://supplystore2021.myshopify.com/cart/50722249211926:1?checkout[shipping_address][city]=thisismyhometown
  3. The tab would be redirected to checkout page but city field is empty

Expected behaviour: The city field in checkout page should be prefilled
as thisismyhometown


  1. Create cart permalinks
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Your permalink is correct and works fine for me. City is filled with thisismyhometown.

It might be an inkognito issue with permalinks. Outside of inkognito it works as expected.

Looks like if it is the first visit (i.e. no cookie and session) then address cannot be filled. While address can be filled with repeated visit.
Unfortunately when shoppers click a permalink it is very likely to be the first visit and the link would fail for them

Hmm did you test on multiple devices? I’m pretty sure it worked for me the first time I clicked your URL.

Hi @curzey , thanks for helping to test!
Tried both windows chrome and iphone chrome / safari. Unfortunately it does not work for me when i click it the first time. It works when I click the link again tho.

No worries.

I just tested on iPhone - and you’re right. First time it does not work :eyes:

Does it work if you also add products in the same link? Or use the cart redirect.

Sadly still does not work

But it seems that when shopper visit the link the first time, the address is already set in the backend. Just that the address fails to populate to UI.


  1. The address is not prefilled when I first visit https://supplystore2021.myshopify.com/cart/50722249211926:1?checkout[shipping_address][city]=thisismyhometown
  2. Then in same browser tab, I visit https://supplystore2021.myshopify.com/checkout . Though this time the link has no param related to address, the address in checkout page is prefilled with city = thisismyhometown

@Liam-Shopify Would you be able to help us connecting to related dev? I think other merchants are facing the same issues too[1]. Thanks!


  1. Shipping Address cannot be prefilled in checkout

Is there any info if someone in the shopify team is fixing this bug?
Experiencing the same issue on my store also.