For new forums it can be helpful to have a specific thread for throw away content to try features, insitu or externally, old or new, or in regards to discourse it’s markdown syntax as that can make it easy to crosspost to other places like github issues or discussions. Drafts != previews != render Though a sandbox might reveal bugs it is NOT for purposefully trying to break things self host discourse if you wanna go that far.
Formatting posts using markdown, BBCode, and HTML - Using Discourse - Discourse Meta
as times goes on prolly need a separate clean post of formatting examples
view this posts raw markdown https://<discourse forum domain?>/raw/<post id?>
List formatting
The sandbox creed:
- This our sandbox , there are many like it but this one is everyones
- A sandbox is a new posters best friend. It is our clarity. We must master it as we must master clarity.
- A sandbox, with testing , is messy. Without a sandbox, we must re-post if we cannot re-edit. We must test our sandbox true. We must test post features better than no effort. We must fix broken edits before repliers reply to us.
- Our sandbox and ourselves know that what counts in this forum is not the hearts we like, the length of our replies, nor the polls we make.
We know that it is the solutions that count. We will solve…. - Our sandbox is for humans, that’s we, because it is our clarity. Thus, we will learn it as a communication tool. We will learn its features, its strengths, its userstyles , it’s userscripts, and it’s urls and keybinds. We will keep our sandbox an absolute mess.
- Before the internet, we type these edits. our sandbox and ourselves are the posters of our forums. We are the masters of our replies. We are the solvers of problems.
- So be it, until solutions are Everyone’s and there is nothing unsolved, but edits!!
lists sometimes get double spaced if there’s a line break between two entries
list Numbers get autoincrement and will replace wrong numbers, the above list in the markdown syntax skips 2 & 3 but inserts them so the last item is still #7
Insert Polls (# Insert Polls )
NOTE: editing a discourse poll wipes all results, not clear if editing a post also wipes any polls in that post , not sure of safety rails.
poll names attbitue need to be unique but posting will tell you the error
_ underscore as a visible spacer so line breaks before and after this line works; in preview at least
How does a ranked choice poll work will it show tallies instantly or does it require rounds activated by original poster?
- ranked choice 1
- ranked choice 2
- ranked choice 3
- ranked choice 4
- A
- B
- C
nit ? polls in preview don’t get top/bottom margin and ignore line breaks between polls and emojis are HUGE
Poll indented entries for code folding?? With 3 spaces yes, but not with 4+ spaces no
3 spaces works:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
will error saying it has no options
[poll name=poll4spaceindentedentries type=regular results=always public=true chartType=pie]
# 4-spaces indented poll entries
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
3 spaces either after a non working poll or a preformatted? doesn’t work in preview :
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Can I INDENT list items to take advantage of code folding in an editor:
- #1
- #2 indented with 2 spaces
3. #3 indented with 4 spaces - #4
5. #5 indented with 4 spaces
Headings , do ‘# Heading’ notice the space after the hashmark
Insert links (# Insert Polls ) ctrl+k
Has search/autocomplete of posts in the forum, better if also included docs ,, or some other spaces like the github repos doing RFCs or discussions or they had it’s own search input emoji start typing with colon:
About the Community Feedback category
Daring Fireball: Markdown Syntax Documentation
blockquote: Markdown supports two style of links: inline and reference but does shopify-discourse?)
This is [an example][id] reference-style link.
And it's reference example:
[id]: "Optional Title Here"
This is [dev][shopifydev] reference-style link.
the reference in different part of page is processed by markdown?
comments using html comments < !-- – >?
There’s a comment you can’t see above this line.
the reference link was here!:
[shopifydev]: “The Reference Link”
Insert Dates and Date ranges including timezones, sweeeeet
November 6, 2024→June 30, 2026
uploads images etc
uploaded image with custom 7% size