Hi, I have found a problem and I haven’t found any solution.
I think that Shopify has a limit with, probable, all lineitems’ arrays.
I have try to send a graphQL mutation to create a draft order with more than 250 line items, and I have get this error MAX_INPUT_SIZE_EXCEEDED:
{“errors”:[{“message”:“Input size greater than 250.”,“locations”:[{“line”:3,“column”:25}],“path”:[“draftOrderCreate”,“input”,“lineItems”],“extensions”:{“code”:“MAX_INPUT_SIZE_EXCEEDED”}}],“response”:{},“status”:200,“body”:{“errors”:[{“message”:“Input size greater than 250.”,“locations”:[{“line”:3,“column”:25}],“path”:[“draftOrderCreate”,“input”,“lineItems”],“extensions”:{“code”:“MAX_INPUT_SIZE_EXCEEDED”}}],“extensions”:{“cost”:{“requestedQueryCost”:10,“actualQueryCost”:null,“throttleStatus”:{“maximumAvailable”:1000,“currentlyAvailable”:990,“restoreRate”:50}}}},“timestamps”:[…]}
I can’t find any info about this error in API documentation
What is the way to create a draft with more than 250 items?
I can’t create it and after update it with more articles because probably, I will get again the MAX_INPUT_SIZE_EXCEEDED error, won’t I ?
The other issue is that if you create a draft with more than 50 items like lets say 55 shopify only creates 50.
Thanks a lot.