Inventory issues "Some items are no longer available"

Our customer recently started getting “Inventroy Issues” when going to checkout. This happens only to new customers (without a default shipping address)

After a bit of investigation, this looks like this might be a bug but happy to hear if anyone has some suggestions.

The issue occurs when these conditions are met:

  • New customer with no default address
  • You have shipping zones splitting a country, in our case, we had different shipping zones for different states in Australia.

The temp fix is:

  • Set at least a country with a state for any user.
  • Don’t split zones ( This is not good either if you have different shipping costs based on state)

Our customer needs to have different zones configured due to different shipping costs across the states.

Has anyone else hit this issue recently?

Hi SATZDesign,

This does not seem to be a common issue, so could be related to something unique on the store. Have you connected with direct Shopify support on this yet?

I managed to log a case, and I could also reproduce the issue on a new development store.

Updating the conditions to reproduce are:

  • New customer with no default address (ie a logged in customer - it will not occur for guests)
  • You have shipping zones splitting a country, in our case, we had different shipping zones for different states in Australia.