Hi guys,
i would like ti help with this issue from the BFS review:
For more than five inputs, use sections with titles in one card or use multiple cards with headers. See this screenshot for more details. Please refer to our App Design Guidelines and see this screenshot for additional details. Ensure to update this throughout the entire app.
I have a form for the customer address and It doesn’t make sense to split it up. How do I modify the form to meet this condition?
Thank you
Hi @Jan_Ther,
The spirit of this requirement is to prevent forms that might potentially confuse or overwhelm merchants. However, your use case seems reasonable here.
We have agreed to revise this particular BFS requirement (4.12.1) to accommodate this specific use case during the next round of BFS requirement updates.
In the interim, I will let the BFS review team know that an exception should be made for address forms like this.
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your help and for allowing an exception for this specific case. Also, thank you for informing the BFS review team about this exception.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
Have a great day