"Not authenticating with session tokens"

I have an embedded app running app-bridge. It is running the latest version using the Shopify CDN, and it is working correctly(ApiKey is entered, and I can run commands against it).
But the App store review page says I am not authenticating with session tokens. The latest version of the app bridge should handle the session tokens automatically so I don’t think I need to do any additional work. What am I missing?

EDIT I just realised this post is very light on details…

I am linking to app-bridge using plain JS, no react and no access to node/npm/etc. My entire JS code to perform the link is as follows:

<meta name="shopify-api-key" content="418cb2a8acbbeb771d310f7716d0f062" />
<script src="https://cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/app-bridge.js"></script>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
if (!window.shopify) {
console.error("Shopify App Bridge is not loaded.");
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://cdn.shopify.com/" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.shopify.com/static/fonts/inter/v4/styles.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@shopify/polaris@13.9.1/build/esm/styles.css" />

Hi @Tony_Cheetham

Thanks for the snippet.

Can you clarify what you mean by “ran commands against it (session token)”?

Do you mean that you used a direct Admin API request like shown here in the docs: App Bridge

Just trying to make sure I understand the context of how you’re using the session tokens.

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Hi @Dylan ,
Thanks for the reply. When I say “Ran commands against it”, I am referring to the app-bridge, we use it for toast and modal commands. I do not use the session token requests at all, all of our data is loaded directly from the Shopify APIs using the oAuth generated tokens.

I just want to get past this red cross in the App Store Review page :slight_smile:

Just a note - please don’t post any sensitive data :smile:
You can update the post like this:

<meta name="shopify-api-key" content="MY_SHOPIFY_API_KEY" />

@remy727 That’s not my actual clientid.

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Got it, thanks @Tony_Cheetham

This sounds similar to this topic: Shopify doesn't recognise that my app uses session tokens - #5 by Magnus_Fischer

Perhaps it’s an issue on Shopify’s end for their system that recognizes session token use.

Maybe post in that topic with a link to this one? Or open a ticket with Partner Support with this problem.

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Thanks @Dylan - This certainely looks the same, but the resolution appeared to be “wait two weeks”. I’ve reached out to the support team and they have created a ticket for me with the app team. I’ll update here as/when I hear anything back.

@Tony_Cheetham - have DMed you for more details on this

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Just seeing if anyone would have any further thoughts about this? I’ve not had a response back yet from partner support, so still a little at a loss.