Shopify doesn’t recognise that my app uses session tokens

My Shopify app is ready to submit except the automated checks in the Partner dashboard don’t recognise that it uses session tokens.

The app is created using Shopify’s Remix template with minimal changes.

The documentation above mentions that the session token is handled by default in this.

Perhaps you have an API route that is not properly checking for a session token and allows requests without authentication?

That’s the only way I can think this pre-lim automated checklist could find out that your app is not authenticating with session tokens.

Have just DMed you Jacob to look into this deeper

Have you followed the steps below to enable the new embedded app authorization strategy?

  1. Enable Shopify managed installation by configuring your scopes through the Shopify CLI.

  2. Enable the future flag unstable_newEmbeddedAuthStrategy in your app’s server configuration file.

  3. Enjoy no-redirect OAuth flow, and app installation process.

Yes, all the new remix template now comes loaded with those by default.

I have a same issue. My app provides checkout ui extension that can be configured on checkout configuration editor (web ui) only so that the embedded app doesn’t send any authenticated request (with session token).

This type of app doesn’t use Shopify app bridge to use session token.

I’m experiencing the same issue with an app based off GitHub - Shopify/shopify-app-template-node

UPDATE: The issue was fixed (Probably by the Shopify support). I didn’t make any changes other than reaching out to the support team. It took 2 full days after contacting them but the issue is gone.


I am experiencing the same issue. I am almost done with the shopify partner app listing but I just can’t past " Not authenticating with session tokens" check

I am also using shopify app remix template

I also have the same issue

Hey folks,

Accessing your apps UI/admin panel via a development store should re-trigger this check. I can follow up via DM to devs who are still getting blocked by this.

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Hi Liaam!

I have tried logging in via development store and with no luck.

This is my shopify remix template on the server:

Each route is authenticated

Would be great to get a follow up DM to get deeper into this

Much appreciated!

Thanks for sharing this Yongyi - our devs are working on a fix now.

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Hi @Liam-Shopify,

We are still blocked by this with Remix template.

Update on this issue: our devs shipped a fix for this yesterday - @Saran_Krishnasamy and @yongyi_xu are you still seeing this issue?


It has been updated!

Thank you so much Liam!


@Liam-Shopify Yes this has been fixed for us as well. Thank you

It has been fixed!

Thank you for your support Liam and developers.

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Thank you everyone for your help. The issue was fixed for me and it seems like for everyone else too.

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